Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Since mid-term, I have liked that we have covered some of the things I had hoped we were going to cover like the hands and feet. I thought those two body parts were the hardest to draw on the body.
I have liked the longer draws so we have time to relax and take our time getting everything right. At the same time, there gets a point were its too long. For me, after an hour, my attention starts to wander.
I have liked that we started on small paper for the shell drawings and moved bigger. Drawing big is nice, but the size we used was too big to be hung up in my room or apartment in red ceder, so I had to lay my paper out on a table in our rec room and draw on there.
The clay on the manikin was a good idea on learning the muscle structure, but found that part of the class hard. Looking at the picture and trying to get them right seamed so abstract.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Before this class, I have had a similar class to this. I knew some of what to expect, but not really. I find the class more detailed on certin areas of the body like the rib cage. I find I have a lot of weaknesses when drawing the body. I have done one drawing of a rib cage that looked good.
I really like have a big block of time in the class to work on drawings. It is also nice that you don’t harass us about having our pencil to the page every single second of time of the drawing. I find it good to have a break to walk around and see what other peoples’ drawing views, and see how there drawing are coming along.
By the end of the class, I would like to be able to draw what is the hardest parts of the body, like the hands, feet and head. I’ve really never found any good way to draw any of those parts of the body
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Last week we watch a video on the rib cage. On thursday we did some longer poses of a 1/2 hour each. This was nice beacuse you can relax and take your time to get the drawing right. Posted here is my drawing of a body part. I had a hard time going from the contour drawing of the shell to a contour drawing on a person.